NetworkStationRadial Minute UsedBeam PatternRegionResolution
BMLBML10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
BMLBML10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLBMLR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLBRAG0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLGCVE0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
BMLGCVE0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLPAFS0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLPBON0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
BMLPBON0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
BMLPBON0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLPREY0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
BMLPREY0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLSHEL0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLSLID0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
BMLSLID0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLSMOA0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
BMLTRIN0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARANGL0idealU.S. West Coast500m
CODARANGL0idealU.S. West Coast1km
CODARANGL0idealU.S. West Coast2km
CODARANGL0idealU.S. West Coast6km
CODARBIGC0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARCRIS0measuredU.S. West Coast500m
CODARCRIS0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARCRIS0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARCRIS0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODAREXPL0measuredU.S. West Coast500m
CODAREXPL0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODAREXPL0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODAREXPL0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARFORT0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARFORT0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARFORT0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARGCYN0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARGCYN0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARMBAC0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARMBAC0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARMBAC0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARMLML0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARMLML0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARMLML0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARMONT0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARMONT0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARPILR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARPPNS0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARPPNS0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARPSLR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARRTC10measuredU.S. West Coast500m
CODARRTC10measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARRTC10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARRTC10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARSAUS0measuredU.S. West Coast500m
CODARSAUS0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
CODARSAUS0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARSAUS0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
CODARSCRZ0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
CODARSCRZ0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
FITHTR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
FITHTR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
FITTRS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
FITTRS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
FugroCPLF0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
FugroSWPP0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
MEOPARCLMH0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
MEOPARSCOV0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
MTUBRVW0measuredGreat Lakes of North America500m
MTUBRVW0measuredGreat Lakes of North America1km
MTUBRVW0measuredGreat Lakes of North America2km
MTUBRVW0measuredGreat Lakes of North America6km
MTUFTMK0measuredGreat Lakes of North America500m
MTUFTMK0measuredGreat Lakes of North America1km
MTUFTMK0measuredGreat Lakes of North America2km
MTUFTMK0measuredGreat Lakes of North America6km
ODUASSA0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
ODUCEDR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
ODULISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
ODUSUNS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
ODUSUNS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
ODUSUNS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
ODUVIEW0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
ODUVIEW0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
ODUVIEW0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
ONCBONI0measuredGulf of Alaska6km
ONCSAND0measuredGulf of Alaska6km
ONCVATK0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
ONCVATK0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVATK0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
ONCVCOL0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
ONCVCOL0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVCOL0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
ONCVDIG0measuredGulf of Alaska1km
ONCVDIG0measuredGulf of Alaska2km
ONCVDIG0measuredGulf of Alaska6km
ONCVGPT0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
ONCVGPT0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVGPT0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
ONCVJOR0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVJOR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
ONCVRID0measuredGulf of Alaska1km
ONCVRID0measuredGulf of Alaska2km
ONCVRID0measuredGulf of Alaska6km
ONCVROC0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVROC0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
ONCVSPT0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
ONCVSPT0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
ONCVSPT0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
OSUCBL10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSULOO10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUMAN10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
OSUPSG10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUSEA10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
OSUSEA10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
OSUSTV20measuredU.S. West Coast2km
OSUSTV20measuredU.S. West Coast6km
OSUWIN10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUWLD20idealU.S. West Coast2km
OSUWLD20idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUWSH10idealU.S. West Coast2km
OSUWSH10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUWSP10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
OSUYHL10idealU.S. West Coast6km
OSUYHS20idealU.S. West Coast2km
OSUYHS20idealU.S. West Coast6km
RATESMCPK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RATESMCPK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RATESMCPK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RATESMOLA0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RATESMOLA0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RATESMOLA0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RATESPLA80measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast500m
RATESPLA80measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RATESPLA80measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RATESPLA80measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RATESPLPI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast500m
RATESPLPI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RATESPLPI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RATESPLPI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RATESSMPT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RATESSMPT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RATESSMPT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersAMAG0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersBLCK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersBRAD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersBRAD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersBRIG0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersBRMR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersBRMR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersBRNT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersBRNT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersCMPT0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersCMPT0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersCMPT0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersHEMP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersHLGT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersHLGT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersHLPN0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersHLPN0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersHLPN0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersHOOK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersLEWE0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersLEWE0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersLEWE0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersLOVE0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersMRCH0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersMVCO0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersNANT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersOLDB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersOLDB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersOLDB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersPORT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersPORT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersPORT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersRATH0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersRATH0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersSEAB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersSEAB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersSILD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
RutgersSILD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersSILD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersSPRK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersSPRK0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersWILD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
RutgersWOOD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
RutgersWOOD0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SCCSW53idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SCCSW53idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SCGTN53idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SCGTN53idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SCMBP23idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SCMBP23idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SIOSDBP0idealU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDBP0idealU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDBP0idealU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDCI0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDCI0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDCI0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDCP0idealU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDCP0idealU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDCP0idealU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDDP0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDDP0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDDP0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDPL0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDPL0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDPL0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDSC0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDSE0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDSE0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDSE0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDSL0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDSN0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDUT0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDUT0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SIOSDWW0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SIOSDWW0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SIOSDWW0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SKIOCAT3idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SKIOCAT3idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SKIOCNS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SKIOCNS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SKIOJEK0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SKIOJEK0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SKIOKSC52idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
SKIOKSC52idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
SLOAGL10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SLOARG10idealU.S. West Coast2km
SLOARG10idealU.S. West Coast6km
SLODCLR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SLODCSR0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SLODCSR0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SLODCSR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SLOESTR0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
SLOESTR0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SLOESTR0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SLOFBK10idealU.S. West Coast2km
SLOFBK10idealU.S. West Coast6km
SLOLUIS0idealU.S. West Coast1km
SLOLUIS0idealU.S. West Coast2km
SLOLUIS0idealU.S. West Coast6km
SLOPTC10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
SLOPTC10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
SLORAGG0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
TexAMANWR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
TexAMMBNP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
TexAMPINS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
TexAMPMGC0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
TexAMRLVR0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
TexAMSSDE0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UAFPBRW0idealAlaskan North Slope6km
UAFSHSH0idealAlaskan North Slope6km
UAFSIMP0idealAlaskan North Slope6km
UAFWAIN0idealAlaskan North Slope6km
UConnGCAP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
UConnGCAP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UConnGCAP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UConnSTLI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
UConnSTLI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UConnSTLI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UCSBACI10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBACI10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBCOP10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBCOP10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBMGS10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBMGS10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBNIC10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBNIC10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBPTM10idealU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBPTM10idealU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBRFG10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBRFG10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBSCI10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBSCI10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBSNI10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBSNI10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UCSBSSD10measuredU.S. West Coast2km
UCSBSSD10measuredU.S. West Coast6km
UHKAK0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKAK0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKAK0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHKAL0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKAL0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKAL0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHKAP0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKAP0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKAP0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHKKH0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKKH0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKKH0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHKNA0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKNA0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKNA0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHKOK0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHKOK0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHKOK0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UHPPK0idealHawaiian Islands1km
UHPPK0idealHawaiian Islands2km
UHPPK0idealHawaiian Islands6km
UMaineCSTM0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMaineGMNB0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMaineGRNI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMassDartNAUS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMiamiCDN0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UMiamiCDN0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMiamiNKL0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UMiamiNKL0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMiamiSTF0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UMiamiSTF0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UMiamiVIR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
UMiamiVIR0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UNCCORE0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UNCHATY0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UNCJENN0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UNCOCRA0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
UPRCDDO0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands2km
UPRCDDO0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRFARO0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRFRDO0idealPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands2km
UPRFRDO0idealPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRFURA0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands2km
UPRFURA0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRMABO0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRPYFC0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRSBAY0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands2km
UPRSBAY0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
UPRTHOM0measuredPuerto Rico and the Virgin Islands6km
URIBISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
URIBISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
URIBISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
URIMISQ0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
URIMISQ0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
URIMISQ0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
URIMNTK0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
URIMNTK0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
URIMNTK0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USCSCCI0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
USCSCCI0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCCI0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
USCSCDB0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
USCSCDB0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCDB0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
USCSCDH0idealU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCDH0idealU.S. West Coast6km
USCSCNB0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
USCSCNB0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCNB0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
USCSCPF0measuredU.S. West Coast1km
USCSCPF0measuredU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCPF0measuredU.S. West Coast6km
USCSCTB0idealU.S. West Coast1km
USCSCTB0idealU.S. West Coast2km
USCSCTB0idealU.S. West Coast6km
USFFDS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
USFFDS0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFJEFF0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFMARA0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFNAPL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFRDSR0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFVEN0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
USFVEN0idealU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFVENI0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USFWEST0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMGPTP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
USMGPTP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
USMGPTP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMHBSP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMOBSP0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMPCYC0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
USMPCYC0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
USMPCYC0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMSGRV0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
USMSISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
USMSISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
USMSISL0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOICPVN45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOICPVN45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOIESPT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOIESPT0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOIFOCF45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
WHOIFOCF45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOIFOCF45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOIHBSR45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOIHBSR45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOILPWR45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOILPWR45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOIMETS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
WHOIMETS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOIMETS0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOINWTP45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOINWTP45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOIPTWN45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOIPTWN45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOISBSR0measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km
WHOISQUB45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast1km
WHOISQUB45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast2km
WHOISQUB45measuredU.S. East and Gulf Coast6km